Home » People » robwalkerpoet » "Al Zheimer"

Al Zheimer

uploaded: Mon, Feb 28, 2011 @ 5:39 AM
BPM120 (or 60)
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Al Zheimer

he may visit you, Al Zheimer
he may come just to look
you will never know the first time

he will not break but enter

your mansion’s chambers
he may bring his greek friend


help himself to magazines
on your coffee table
old stacked newspapers

nothing you will miss
the name of that guy in the movie
with thingy

a crossword clue

because you didn’t notice the first time
he will return in your sleep
for he is

a thief

each time more brazen
for behold the day will come
when you go to the study

to look up an eight letter
word for sleeplessness
and the thesaurus will be gone.

whole sets of the world book
spirited away
to cash converters

just empty shelves

and you will never
know when it

you will never know the first time

"Al Zheimer"
by robwalkerpoet

2011 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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