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Meet Me At The Market Square

uploaded: Wed, Aug 26, 2009 @ 7:04 AM
byMana Junkie
FeaturingKaer Trouz
Recommends (5)
Max butted out the cigarette on the ledge beside him, before flicking the butt out towards the street below.
The sun was hot and beating down upon him, making him sweat a little, but that was okay for now. He had a meet with Kazza set up in the market area down the side street.
“Any sign of him yet?” Maggie asked. She was sitting in the shade of the small nook that lead the stairs to the roof.
“He’s late.”
Max was about to turn and answer her, but his eyes caught Kazza walking through a crowd, and he also noticed the tail that was following him…

I chopped up Kaer Trouz’s Distorted Synth and used it as a background sound here.

"Meet Me At The Market Square"
by Mana Junkie

2009 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Sampling Plus

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