RSVP for Jul 28 Livestream
Home » People » jaspertine » "Starmask"


uploaded: Sun, Nov 12, 2023 @ 7:30 AM last modified: Sun, Nov 12, 2023 @ 7:34 AM  (add)
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After taking a few days off from my streaming schedule last week, I found it a bit difficult to get back in the saddle. After a stressful start, this one came together decently well.

(check the VOD here)

The bass is really what moves the song from part to part, with the guitars mostly just floating over top. What really made the whole thing make sense in my head was the decision to record two different versions of the verse loop. One with long, sustained notes, and another with a more rhythmic approach.

This is something that would come naturally to me when performing, but making the decision to take the extra that five minutes to record a variation on a part was weirdly revelatory, despite how obvious it sounds in hindsight.

by jaspertine

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