Home » People » copperhead » "Seed"


uploaded: Sat, Apr 9, 2011 @ 7:22 PM last modified: Thu, Feb 13, 2014 @ 7:02 PM  (replace)
FeaturingSnowflake,Spinningmerkaba, Zapac,Admiral Bob, Sackjo22
Recommends (22)
The Seed is one beautiful song from Snowflake. I really wanted to keep the arrangement in tact and just add to enhance it without destroying it’s original intent. Admiral Bob did a version along the original lines so I added the bass line from his version. I added a sub bass the the lines AB played and then I added my touch in spots. I asked Zapac, who is amazing with orchestration, if he would do some for this version and he said,of course ! Then I emailed Sackjo22, who is quite simply one of the best at adding vocals, if she would add her talents and she agreed ! She only sent me a mere 12 tracks lol.
So it’s Snowflake on vocals and piano, Snowflake, Spinningmerkaba on acoustic guitar and lead acoustic, Admiral Bob on bass guitar, Zapac on violin and cello, Sackjo22 on background vocals and I did drums, tamb, some bass and production.
Play Seed

by copperhead

2011 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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