Paradoja al revés [Paradox in reverse]
uploaded: Thu, May 20, 2010 @ 8:51 AM
Been dying to record this—one of my most excentric works. Enjoy!
Paradoja al revés [Paradox in reverse] Written & performed by COFFEEEUROPE ::chorus:: El no parece fierro = It doesn’t compare to iron Fierro que suda y es fuerte = iron that sweats and is strong Ni loma verde que mira a las montañas = It isn’t the green knoll looking up at the mountains Vida no es vida para el = for it—Life is not so No en mis ojos = Not to my eyes Ni una soga se le confiara = Not even a rope will entrust itself to it Ni un amor que amarra igual = Neither will love which grips just the same Para querer se necesita antojo = In order to love you need a craving Y esa hambre ya esta vieja = and that hunger is old now A quien querés = who do you want? A quien buscas = who are you searching for? Quien serás cuando las cuentas ardan = What will you reveal once life has taken its toll on you? Ya algo se le ocurrirá = I’m sure it will make something up ______________________________________________________________________________________ Escribes en un cuarto obscuro = You write in a dark room Palabras negras y sin verdad = black words and without truth Tu rostro es feo y sin modelo = Your expression is twisted and bizarre Eres Mona lisa cruel que pregunta sin preguntar = You are a cruel Monalisa—asking without asking El Tiempo no habla de tus pesares = Time tells nothing of your sorrow Ni la lechuza esconde tu identidad = and the owl doesn’t have your identity El pasto no sabe tu nombre = the grass doesn’t know your name Y ni Las nubes saben de tu pensar = and not even the clouds know your thoughts Maldito momento sin empezar = dammed moment with no beginning A quien querés = who do you want? A quien buscas = who are you searching for? Quien serás cuando las cuentas ardan = What will you reveal once life has taken its toll on you? Ya algo se le ocurrirá = I’m sure it will make something up Quien te busca = Who would go looking for you? Eres el susto de lo anormal = you are the spook in the abnormal No tienes patas = you have no legs No tienes ciencia = you have no science No tienes lengua para explicar = you have no tongue to explain Eres lo gris de un aguacero = you are the grey in a rainy day Forma incierta que espeluza = unclear form that petrify Eres un manto que arropa = you are a cloak that envelops Que enfría = dampen spirits En días lindos sin avisar = on a pretty day with no warning Lo ajeno es tuyo = the extrinsic is yours Lo mío celos = mine is jealousy Dime quien eres = Tell me who you are A quien buscas = who are you searching for? Quien serás cuando las cuentas ardan = What will you reveal once life has taken its toll on you? Ya algo se le ocurrirá = I’m sure it will make something up ::chorus:: El no parece fierro = It doesn’t compare to iron Fierro que suda y es fuerte = iron that sweats and is strong Ni loma verde que mira a las montañas = It isn’t the green knoll looking up at the mountains Vida no es vida para el = for it—Life is not so No en mis ojos = Not to my eyes Ni una soga se le confiara = Not even a rope will entrust itself to it Ni un amor que amarra igual = Neither will love which grips just the same Para querer se necesita antojo = In order to love you need a craving Y esa hambre ya esta vieja = and that hunger is old now A quien querés = who do you want? A quien buscas = who are you searching for? Quien serás cuando las cuentas ardan = What will you reveal once life has taken its toll on you? Ya algo se le ocurrirá = I’m sure it will make something up
acappella, media, bpm_100_105, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, VBR, exotic, latin, male_vocals, spanish, spoken_word
The Mixversation
"Paradoja al revés [Paradox in reverse]"
by HEKTOR THILLET (coffeeeurope) 2010 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) ![]() Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. |