Added some ambience and signal processing to the various layers of this interesting track.
media, secret_mixter, remix, mixup, spring_2022, bpm_075_080, sample, multiple_formats, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 48k, stereo, CBR, flac, VBR, rock, ambient, melodc, experimental, alternative, instrumental
Recommended by:
sparky, 7OOP3D, SO SHA (thatcrazylittleasian), Bluemillenium, Apoxode, Snowflake, Kara Square (mindmapthat), Milky Blue, Darkroom (mactonite), SackJo22, airtone, Radioontheshelf, urmymuse, 892, Hans Atom (hansatom), unreal_dm, Ben Blohowiak (bblohowiak), Speck, Dimensional_Pulse