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The Parting Glass

uploaded: Tue, Feb 19, 2013 @ 7:02 PM last modified: Thu, Feb 28, 2013 @ 10:40 AM  (del)
Recommends (5)
Me singing The Parting Glass. Note that “sweethearts” was changed to “brothers” by request.

(See: http://ccmixter.org/files/a...

The preview is a slightly effect-ed version, where I’ve removed some noise, and added a bit of reverb. The raw tracks in mp3 and FLAC formats are attached.

Also note that the humming after verse two is to simply give a cue to the modulation, for the sake of my acapella group. They’ll be humming a verse own their own before the third verse.

This was somewhat inspired by the Ed Sheeran and High Kings versions.


This is dedicated to Bo Heart and Spinmeister, who were both very patient with me four years ago. That is an understatement.

Also a BIG thanks to user Debra_A.

"The Parting Glass"
by aliteralmind

2013 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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