Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Wanderer (Take 2)

uploaded: Sat, Sep 12, 2020 @ 11:31 PM last modified: Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 12:23 AM  (add)
byAdmiral Bob
Recommends (30)
Last year when Susan recorded the Wanderer and then thanked me for the inspiration, I went and took a listen. I liked what Susan had done, but was kind of horrified at my part in it - here was this obnoxious guitarist playing all over top of the singer. As a musician, I think it is a great virtue to be a generous musician, and I wasn’t a generous musician here.

So when the assignments went out for the secret mixter and I got Susan, I rejoiced at a chance to repair the wrong - and I hope I have done that here. I love the interplay of vocalist and musicians, which is what I think she wanted to showcase. And I thought I’d take the approach of making it sound like the band (really just me) are having fun, but taking their proper place in support of the singing, not competing with it or fighting it. The funky groove (instead of the slow tempo) produces the holes the band can groove in. The guitar and singers still trade licks, but it is late night energy, teamwork, and not a battle for domination. And the other “musicians” (even if they’re still just me) join in the generosity - the percussionist staying out of the singers’ way, but jumping in when the air in the song gives him that chance, for instance.

I hope I’ve done that here: I think the effect (I hope) is a fusion of the intellect and focus of a singer-songwriter and the loose energy of a live funk group backing. At least that’s what I aimed for anyway.

Contents of ZIP Archive: instruments

  • /bass.mp3 (7.15MB)
  • /__MACOSX/._bass.mp3 (180)
  • /__MACOSX/._chicken picken guitar.mp3 (180)
  • /__MACOSX/._drums.mp3 (180)
  • /__MACOSX/._lead guitar.mp3 (180)
  • /__MACOSX/._phasered guitar.mp3 (180)
  • /__MACOSX/._rhodes.mp3 (180)
  • /chicken picken guitar.mp3 (7.15MB)
  • /drums.mp3 (7.15MB)
  • /lead guitar.mp3 (7.15MB)
  • /phasered guitar.mp3 (7.15MB)
  • /rhodes.mp3 (7.15MB)

"Wanderer (Take 2)"
by Admiral Bob

2020 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

Editorial pick

Turn it up, hit the road and just go go go until the past is far behind and the future is now. Admiral Bob won’t lead you astray and Sackjo22 will run her fingers through your rock and roll hair. Whew!


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