Let the Angels Take this Song
Thank you Admiral Bob for the soulful song and guitar work!
media, remix, bpm_070_075, 6_8, blues, gospel, guitar, male_vocals, soul, nc_sampling_plus, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR, archive, zip
Contents of ZIP Archive: Guitar
Contents of ZIP Archive: Organ
Contents of ZIP Archive: Piano
Contents of ZIP Archive: Upright
Contents of ZIP Archive: ZIP
Contents of ZIP Archive: Inst
The Mixversation
Recommended by:
Admiral Bob (admiralbob77), CSoul, copperhead, Alex (AlexBeroza), Subliminal, wnm, unreal_dm, Speck, Bocrew, panu (panumoon), urmymuse, rocavaco, Donnie Drost (donniedrost), septahelix, ScOmBer, colab, musikpirat, Hans Atom (hansatom), timberman (Per), Anchor (anchormejans), Clarence Simpson (casimps1), SackJo22, @nop (Lancefield), Loveshadow Found in 3 playlists
"Let the Angels Take this Song"
by Jeris 2011 - Licensed under Creative Commons Noncommercial Sampling Plus Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. Uses samples from:Samples are used in: |