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The Buck Won't Stop

uploaded: Mon, Aug 4, 2014 @ 7:41 PM last modified: Mon, Aug 4, 2014 @ 7:43 PM  (add)
byRobert Warrington
Recommends (10)
An oblique little ditty about corporations taking over the world.

I rowed out to Shell Island
Found it was made of Lego bricks
There’d been a big oil spill making everyone ill
It was rough stuff and it sticks
They’d hushed it all up, washed the scum of the top
And they said it was fixed

Looted loot, polluted fruit
Lawsuit on the seabed
Red alert, contaminated dirt
Daddy’s hurt and mommy’s sad
Trouble at the top, hell is on the hop
The buck won’t stop till it stops dead

I rowed out to Shell Island
Found it was full of young Turks
Saying one company brother should cover for another
That’s the way the world works
The corporation is God, as for the general good
To hell with your crazy talk, where are my perks?

Far shores, forced doors
Gang wars on the Med
Pipes leak, they’ve given me a week
I don’t bat an eyelid
I’m selling up shop, hell is on the hop
The buck won’t stop till it stops dead

Seems the Devil can be made out of Lego
Hiding his mess is a crime that pays
Guess business is business amigo
At the End of Days
Yes I’ll do business with the Devil
I’ll even wear his logo if it’ll get me a raise

War on sin, best man doesn’t win
The other one gets in like you said he would
Odds get stacked, heads get cracked
Eyes are bloodshot and seeing red
I need a prop, hell is on the hop
The buck won’t stop till it stops dead

Fail-safe’s fail, tale-tellers lay a false trail
The Holy Grail’s full of bad blood
Cold spells, cold kills
Evils are inherited
Mind the gap, hell is on the hop
The buck won’t stop till it stops dead

"The Buck Won't Stop"
by Robert Warrington

2014 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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