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The Dancing Boy

uploaded: Mon, Feb 10, 2025 @ 8:22 AM
FeaturingAdmiral Bob
Recommends (4)
The boy arrived, the girls whispered his name. He left before they discovered his hideaway.

Thanks to The Admiral for the inspiration

If the kings had been born to paupers and paupers to kings would the world be a better place?

From a child to a man I grew in the time of the choosen few
I was blessed by fate and raised amongst hate
But I was perfectly in tune

And all the nurses struggled to say my name and asked my mother from where it came
So she told them how I’d arrived with a vow
To be different and a little strange

I couldn’t follow when somebody else led I always wanted to be out of my head
In a place of chance where the shakers danced
And counting fingers until they bled

In the court of the radical king I was taken there to learn to sing
With the songs of hope and a chance to cope
And give my voice to everything

All the scholars stared at my right hand as I wrote the words of Genghis Khan
But they’d been offered before by a boy from the North
He changed the world when he made a stand

On the night before the star had appeared a girl arrived surrounded in tears
She said her name was Eve she made it so hard to breath
And all the Adams in the town disappeared

"The Dancing Boy"
by Radioontheshelf

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