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The Places Where Homes Once Stood

uploaded: Fri, Feb 10, 2023 @ 12:38 PM
Recommends (8)
The snow falls on the men huddled together around a small fire in a street that has been reduced to rubble. Close by men searching amongst the flattened buildings call for silence hoping to hear a voice trapped beneath the bricks and mortar. A bloodied child is pulled to safety and cries for her mother. Drones flying overhead show the extent of the devastation and the growing rows of bodies bear witness to the huge loss of life. To add to the pain and suffering Turkey and Syria have political agendas that are at odds with the west. The men in power are not only dealing with a humanitarian crisis but with the need to maintain that power at all costs. This will inevitably cause more hardship for the homeless and destitute who wander the streets looking for hope.

This is an usettling piece of music which swings from harmonic pleasantries to discordant strings and abrasive tones. I have taken Anchors solo cello piece and with the aid of Melodyne have replayed and rephrased it to add to the sheer horror of the feelings evoked by the images that appear on our TV screens. Anchors original is a wonderful impromptu piece and well worth the listen.

"The Places Where Homes Once Stood"
by Radioontheshelf

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