Singing For Survival
uploaded: Thu, Mar 7, 2019 @ 1:07 AM
The Journey
Life has been a musical journey from the start. Every step a meeting of the notes and a grasping hand searching for the right words. Caught a breath one monday that brought the room alive Thirties girl and dark green walls they put away their knives The largest child they’d ever known had entered with some flare And soon the infants voice annoints the cold November air My father on his travels he knew nothing of the scene Events that were unfolding they were absent from his dreams It took a timely telegram to break the happy news The crumpled paper hit the floor as father hit the booze My mother stitched and tired went to another room As strangers washed my body and an old nurse sang a tune Though small and only minutes old the music crept inside And for sixty years the musics raged and kept my soul alive I’m singing for the ones who have been broken I’m singing for the lovers and the tattoed priests I’m singing for the poor and for the choosen I’m singing for the kings and bums who walk our streets Brave times are coming passion filled and dressed in gold Twisted acts and broken pacts the stories will unfold A thousand kisses and a million misses and steps into the unknown A boy a man sixty shattered plans too many seeds were sown We are travelling Travelling further than the farthest point raising Cain in the rotting fields Abandoning the hopes we found cast aside by the glutton sated on love Christening our bodies with junk food and leaving messages scrawled on red brick walls Squeezing the last spoonful of passion as our skin smears red lipstick into mocking words I’m singing x 2
media, remix, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR, passion, male_vocals, indulging_unashamedley
Singing For Survival
The Mixversation
"Singing For Survival"
by Radioontheshelf 2019 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. |