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Home » People » Radioontheshelf » "Leonard"


uploaded: Sat, Sep 29, 2018 @ 3:15 AM
FeaturingEphemaral Rift
Recommends (3)
Leonard was not known for his smiles but his music and art brought joy to many

Leonards on the telephone he’s asking if your there
For he has a proposition that will open up the game
He’s asking if you’d like to ride once more around the fair
If you do he’s happy to put down your name

For he has the book of Joseph in a trunk he bought in France
From a slightly crippled lady he had met when in Calais
She was naked from the waist down but still wanted to dance
And he bought her tea and oranges to help her on her way

In the coat he’d found for little in a Sally Army store
He resembled dearest Rosavelt the man he could admire
In the pockets was a ball of string he used to tie his hopes
To the shore where Hunter Thompson stood waving a thorny briar

And he asked if you were free to travel where the lotus grows
And if your heart was willing to be hurt and torn apart
And you answered with some certainity that like the river flows
You would travel for the fun of it and for what it brought the heart

So here’s to Earnest who believed that all men could be kings
And whose books were filled with testosterone that brought us to the edge
And Leonards reading once again The Old Man and the Sea
And he’s promised when he’s finished that he’ll join me on the ledge

Leonards on the telephone he’s asking if your there
For he has a proposition that will open up the game
He’s asking if you’d like to ride once more around the fair
If you do he’s happy to put down your name

by Radioontheshelf

2018 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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