Imagination Rising Remix Event
Home » People » Kaer Trouz » "Slipping"


uploaded: Tue, May 6, 2008 @ 7:37 AM
byKaer Trouz
Recommends (20)
This is the first time I have uploaded an acapella without a mix to accompany it so I hope you all enjoy playing around with it.Sorry about the long space in between. There’s a bunch of lines so cut it up all you want.
I am sliiping underneath the water
I am blinded by the milky clouds that fill my eyes
I wonder if you will ever find me sleeping
and shake me but not wake me I’m expired
I am dreaming of a car that’s running
and inside is your lovely face beckoning to me
I’m so sleepy
I can’t make it
I won’t escape it anyway
I wonder if you’ll ever find me dreaming
and touch me in the flickering of a summer’s dusky blue
I was waiting for you on the beach there
amidst the dead seals and the seaweed clotted in the tide pools
I am slipping underneath the water
I am stung by all the saline searing in my wounds

by Kaer Trouz

2008 - Licensed under
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Attribution (3.0)

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