Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Lick My Wounds

uploaded: Wed, Mar 31, 2010 @ 1:14 PM
BPM65 3/4
Recommends (39)
So Colab said he felt like doing something more upbeat, what with Spring being here (although not in the UK). This is my contribution and he has come up with a characteristically sensual, subtle, sexy and highly original backing track. He will probably deny it, but he is absolutely lovely to work with.


Let your love pour over me
Lick my wounds until they heal
Hold me close to set me free
Thaw me out and teach me how to feel
I’ve been buried for an endless winter
Under earth as hard as bone
Poisoned by an icy splinter
My injured heart turned to stone
You’ve brought light and warmth to end my sleep
Wiped the earth from my sealed eyes
Filled me with your breath and heartbeat
Drawn me up to see the sky
Let your love pour over me
Lick my wounds until they heal
Hold me close to set me free
Thaw me out and teach me how to feel
You’ve peeled away this old skin of mine
Watered and tended my buds
I’ve scented life and seen the signs
Want the sun, not death and dark blood
You’ve unfolded me and made me trust
My velvet petals open for your sweet touch
I’m flesh and easy, not locked away in rust
Feed me up on your love and affection and such
Let your love pour over me
Lick my wounds until they heal
Hold me close to set me free
Thaw me out and teach me how to feel

"Lick My Wounds"
by CiggiBurns

2010 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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