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hiding playlist racks

MC Jack in the Box
permalink   Fri, Jun 27, 2008 @ 11:29 AM
so here’s one for you VS, although there’s certainly no sense of urgency here….

is it possible to include a “hidden” track in a playlist? meaning, is it possible for me to upload a track, “hide” it from the public listing of “uploads”, but still add it to a playlist?

you probably are thinking…”why would anyone want to do that?”. a couple years ago, we were exploring ideas for songfight radio shows, and i created a couple where i had a few short mp3 voiceovers of me (an intro to the show, maybe a half way blurb listing the previous/upcoming artists, and an outro, usually my show was 10 tracks). i think this might be a cool way to build buzz for the playlists if people can record their own radio shows featuring ccmixter uploads. then instead of creating a themed playlist like VS has been doing, i’d create a themed show, with me adding a few “hidden” voiceovers to the show. hell, i might even do a weekly “best of ccmixter” kind of show if that could happen. anyways, just thought it could be a cool new use of the playlist feature, and it could even include some of the ccmixter blurbs people have recorded and submitted. just an idea.
permalink   Fri, Jun 27, 2008 @ 1:10 PM
maybe a dumb question (?) why do they have to be hidden?
permalink   MC Jack in the Box Fri, Jun 27, 2008 @ 1:32 PM
they don’t really. i just figured nobody would really want to do anything with me going “that was ditto ditto doing his fine little ditty histoire de rien”. but it’s not a problem if they are not hidden. i was just curious if i could hide them.

i just created the first “ Cool Tracks by MC Jack” radio show. thanks teru for the great intro. i may just use it every week.
permalink   victor Fri, Jun 27, 2008 @ 3:21 PM
I’m mainly concerned about how to present that to end users without confusing the heck out of them

meanwhile that show is brilliant. keep that up and I’ll put a sidebar menu section for “MC Jacks’ Radio Show” and give you a page for those
permalink   MC Jack in the Box Fri, Jun 27, 2008 @ 3:26 PM
sweet! thanks!

no worries about the hidden thing. i think you’re right, it would probably confuse people.

and i encourage others to make their own shows! i’m building a playlist of the various ccmixter plugs people made, so it will be easy to add them anytime without having to search for them.
permalink   victor Fri, Jun 27, 2008 @ 3:52 PM
I re-enabled the ‘site promo’ submit form so people should use that, that will auto-add the ‘site_promo’ tag