Imagination Rising Remix Event


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The music of FALIK is at once exotic and familiar. This is the Irish bouzouki played in an American style. We’ve taken the gloves off, but we’re using pure virgin olive oil, rather than Wesson, because we know it’s better for you. You’ve never heard anything like it, but you get comfortable with it immediately. It’s raw, earthy, and visceral, but doesn’t cause any permenant mental damage and won’t leave any visible marks.

Falik is Charlie and Cheryl Pecot. Founding member, Charlie, originally from Los Angeles California, has been playing music since before he even knew how old he was. Which was a long time ago, because he’s really old now. He’s been in more bands than he can remember as both a bassist and guitarist. There aren’t too many genres or formats he hasn’t played in. He’s played with Jon “Bermuda” Schwartz (“Weird” Al Yankovich long time drummer) and Jeremiah Soto (of Solace), and the Los Angeles Philharmonic (when in High School). One of the more “famous” bands he’s been in was “Cast of Thousands” in the early ’90s. (Of course the thing they were most noted for was the flyering job they did on a Santa Monica overpass, but I digress. He was actually in a bar with Robert Plant just before the singer about to do alarge show in Los Angeles. Mr Plant had a Bud and quickly left, I’m sure after having satisfied some obscure contractual agreement. But don’t quote me on that.)

The Irish bouzouki entered late into Charlie’s life, and like a thunderbolt it struck and illuminated him. We’ll just say he was well lit when he first picked it up. With his extensive musical and performance experience the instrument proved not all that difficult for him to play. He soon migrated from traditional bouzouki leanings towards more exotic fare after becoming bored playing period English musings. His wife - already a marvelous percussionist in her own right - picked up the doumbek soon after. And thus, FALIK was born.

There’s a little bit of everything in the music of FALIK. It typically appeals to people who don’t define themselves by one single expression. Sort of like Charlie, himself. If you would like to describe the music to us in 30 words or less, tell us. If we like it and use it, we’ll buy you lunch.

Charlie Pecot is a published writer (ASCAP) and producer (Cocktails, Anyone? Music, also ASCAP), for Magic Lantern Records).
Member since
Wed, Feb 23, 2005
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