Mixing-Celebratory Secret Mixter

Sow & Reap Secret Mixter

ccMixter is celebrating its birthday and holiday season with our first ever…..
back-to-back Secret Mixters!

Today is UPLOAD DAY for the Sow & Reap Secret Mixter. And…..

Signup Day for the Snow & Sleet Secret Mixter!

ccMixter’s birthday was October 28 — in the middle of harvest season. Our community’s been sowing seeds of creativity as stems, pells and remixes here — for 14 years! What you plant at ccMixter is returned in remixes, trackbacks and more — and now is a time to reap the bounty of a musical harvest.

What you sow, you reap.

Every year at this time the world takes the opportunity to harvest achievements, and dream of what we will do next. We reap and we sow. At ccMixter we’ve got a great history to rest on, and our future is filled with music discovery.


The sign up period for this mixup is closed. The mixup particpants should be uploading right now(!)