Resilience Secret Mixter Playlist

Ser Livre

uploaded: Sat, Apr 30, 2005 @ 5:59 PM
byHip Hop Mandando Fechado em Saude e Sexualidade
Recommends (11)
Composta por Marcia 2 Pac, Prima Donna, JC e Alessa. Produzida por KMKZ e Rafik. Dirigido por Fábio ACM. (2005)

"Ser Livre"
by Hip Hop Mandando Fechado em Saude e Sexualidade

2005 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Sampling Plus

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Editorial pick

ok, here i go again reviewing a track that i have no idea what these guys are actually saying. this track has that hot day, open air feel to it…hmmm, almost brazilian feel. funny that. i love the opening to this, has a real live Herbie Hancock() vibe about it. some of the chicas on this are serious women. don’t mess with these cats, i seen City of God.