by | Aussens@iter |
Featuring | (Smiling Cynic) |
length | 2:28 |
BPM | 80 |
Recommends |
Recommends (19) |
Piano & Bass: Christopher Hawes (Smiling Cynic). Acoustic guitar recorded with Walden steel-string guitar. Electric guitar recorded with Ibanez 7-string guitar and Hughes & Kettner Tubeman Plus preamp.
Recorded, mixed & mastered with Zynewave Podium.
media, remix, bpm_080_085, trackback, in_video, multiple_formats, attribution, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR, flac, VBR, aussensaiter, smilingcynic, piano, bass, guitar, synthesizer, strings, orchestral, experimental, instrumental, chill, downtempo, ambient, music_for_video, music_for_film
Recommended by:
smilingcynic, @nop (Lancefield), unreal_dm, Subliminal, Calyman (Lemoneight), Speck, Dan_Mantau, short hopper, RizKeyG, Doxent Zsigmond (doxent), Stefan Kartenberg (JeffSpeed68), AboveandBeyond1, Anchor (anchormejans), PolyPolly, 2an2, Softsah (Shanawa), Snowflake, m_cerra, Misha (merement)