a cool clash of melody and chord combos that leaves you a bit zen feeling.
media, remix, editorial_pick, big_summer_fest, andromeda_theatre, bpm_090_095, spirograph, hubble, trackback, in_video, alternate, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR, sexy, girl, vocals, fun, beach, chromaphone, downtempo, chill, zen
Recommended by:
Platinum Butterfly (F_Fact), Martijn de Boer (NiGiD) (NiGiD), Hans Atom (hansatom), Stefan Kartenberg (JeffSpeed68), musikpirat, unreal_dm, SackJo22, rocavaco, Snowflake, CSoul, keytronic, short hopper, ShannonGarcia, Anchor (anchormejans), airtone, wrenchbiscuit, Dan_Mantau, GeeArtriasRose, sbenrap, Story of the Lie (storyofthelie)