Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Eye of the Owl

uploaded: Sun, Jun 17, 2012 @ 1:03 AM
Recommends (21)
Spoken word from Eye of the Owl (Waylaid Mix). I have been working on this image of the owl which has a lot of symbolic meaning including being a source of wisdom, a sister of the moon, a seer of souls. As a Native American totem, the owl is a keeper of sacred knowledge. http://www.whats-your-sign.... The owl somehow seemed fitting for this track.

the eye of the owl is wise
the moon watching where the shadows hide
day and night
peace and strife
life and alive!

She is the song
the lullaby
the secret shared in twilight
the warning screech to hunter’s descent
the watchful breath of the observant

the eye of the owl is open at night

keeper of secrets
singer of souls
listen to the wisdom her song hold

the eye of the owl is open at night

"Eye of the Owl"
by SackJo22

2012 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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