Mixing-Celebratory Secret Mixter
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Collaboration Project: "Welcome Home"

Created by: Anchor 2008-09-14 12:04:13
This a work in progress - originally intended as housewarming gift for Kaer Trouz……

welcome home
its where your heart is
you’re not alone
everything you love is here
everything you love is here

Through all seasons
sunshine and rain
these walls enclose and soothe
every joy or pain
every pain…or joy……….

outside the windows
gardens and trees
pastures and hillsides
stretch towards the sea (miles and miles out to sea)

The world awaits you
with open hands
small town or city
your friends may be found
(yes your friends may be found)

But always a welcome
resides in your soul
when through these doors
in my arms enfold
in my arms enfold………..

(additional French Lyrics)

Jour après mois
Qu’il chauffe ou pleuve
Ces murs nichent et couvent
Tes joies et tes peines
Tes peines et tes joies

Ce monde-là t’attend
Les mains grandes ouvertes
De ville en village
Tes amis tu les trouveras (ou verras si tu vois que ça colle mieux au rythme)
Ça oui, tu les trouveras (idem)