Resilience Secret Mixter Mixing in Progress
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Fantastic SecretMixter tracks

permalink   Sat, May 6, 2006 @ 3:47 PM
Wow, everyone’s remix for this SecretMixter round has been excellant. Return participants and first-timers alike laying it down at and above the high standard set by the last round. Check out their hard work!

Good job everyone! Thank you all for joining in the game. It’s very satisfying to see everyone having such a good time with this. I’m looking forward to the rest of the SecretMixter songs!!

permalink   Sat, May 13, 2006 @ 10:56 AM
secret mixter is quickly becoming one of my favorite features on the site…

the ‘random assignment’ aspect is great and really forces you to get creative with the work of others…

and to hear all the excellent and completely new/original mixes coming out of it is a definite treat!