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Nobody To Produce Some Songs On CCMixter To Release

permalink   Sat, Aug 10, 2024 @ 3:31 AM
I Don’t Understand WHY I’m Being Ignored! This Is For My EP, Album, And Singles To Release! I Can’t Keep Producing Tracks All By Myself, Alone! I Have Nobody To Produce Tracks With Me! So I Have To Send My Tracks On CCMixter To Put It On My Album And See How It’s Done! But, They’d Rather Pass! Now I’m By Myself Until I’m 22 Years Old! I Just Need Some Attentions! So, WHAT THE FUCK? >:(

Just Try To Freaking Post Some Instrumentals, Write Songs With Me And Shit On The Track And I’ll Be On It! But, They Are Done! WHY, ARE THEY DONE? THIS DOESN’T MAKE ANY GODDAMN SENCE! Now Nobody Wants Me Anymore! It’s Hopeless! Really Hopeless! :,(

And Nobody Wants My Attention Anymore!

I Mean, No One Complained About Being Ignored, a Little Bit. Well I Do! IT’S NOT FAIR!

Don’t Take It Way Too Long!
permalink   Sat, Aug 10, 2024 @ 11:44 AM

With respect to how upset you are, I have to point out something you need to hear.
I have been showing you support and encouragement all along, and you have been (for the most part) ignoring me.
However, I am not complaining about that because I still support you and your work, and I’d like to offer you a different perspective:
*People are most likely working on remixes featuring you at this moment, and will upload them after they’ve been mastered.
*If you reach out to users that you like and ask them to remix you, they are more likely to do so, especially if you explain what kind of remix you’re looking for.
*I (and possibly other users) have been struggling to get signed and published for decades. The music business is insanely difficult to break into, and I’ve learned to appreciate every opportunity I can get for exposure.
*I can’t emphasize this enough: there is a global audience for your work, and while most of them don’t have accounts here, they are definitely listening.

Kind regards,
permalink   milkdaddy Mon, Aug 12, 2024 @ 1:20 AM
I Understand Now! But I Have Nobody To Produce And Write Songs With Me!
permalink   Apoxode Mon, Aug 12, 2024 @ 2:48 PM

I think I understand what you’re looking for—I have had a couple of real life production partners before that I could get together with, jam, and produce tracks. I definitely miss that immediate interaction, and I get why you’d prefer that.

I have thought of a few ideas that might help you out:

—Since you’re 21, you’d be able to go to bars that have open mic nights or karaoke. While they may not be interesting per se, they would be a perfect way to showcase your talents and connect with people in your area. Nothing beats real life collaboration!

—There are live streaming jam sessions available, on Zoom and other types of video conferencing. I know that some users here use them, and that they were beneficial to them during quarantine.

—It might seem old fashioned, but creating a YouTube channel with you performing while recording your mixes would be highly beneficial for getting people to know you. So many opportunities open up when people know you’re a real person! A good example is the guy that did “Chocolate Rain.” It got millions of views, and landed him a commercial gig. Why YouTube? Older people with time and experience don’t use TikTok, and let’s face it, that app is crowded, lol.

All in all, you’re going to find that this community is way more casual than you’d like, since you want more remixes than you’re currently getting. The best opportunities for you will be during events which attract more users. Other than that, you will need to reach out to people through email to get more collaboration than you are getting now.

Hope this helps, we want you to stay!

Kind regards,
permalink   Admiral Bob Fri, Sep 27, 2024 @ 2:45 AM
That isn’t really what happens here (although those relationships can in time form beyond the confines of this site.)

I think the most effective ways to get uptake around here are these:

1. If you’re uploading sounds and vocals, make sure it is something somebody needs and can easily use. People who come here are often looking for the idea, and not the whole thing. If they hear a sound that is a different, easy to integrate, and that there’s still room to build on, that will see some uptake.

Think of it this way: if you leave a hammer on the site, the next person by with nails will definitely use it.

2. Be patient: sometimes a sample or pella won’t be taken up for months. Sometimes it will be the next day. ccMixter is all about a process of discovery, and other musicians coming here go where the muse is leading. Sometimes that will be to you, but not necessarily on a similar schedule to yours, unfortunately.

3. Be engaged: this is a community. People will participate in your music making if you participate in theirs. Though some members are successful just providing samples, most of the people who are remixed a lot are people who also do a lot of remixing. It shows you are paying attention to the people around you and valuing them for their own sake, and not just as potential users of your material. ccMixter is something of a family, and just like a family, the conversation is at its most engaging when there is some too and fro. :)

Best of luck! You do post a lot of good stuff.
permalink   Mon, Oct 14, 2024 @ 1:49 AM
I’ve been here for 15 years, this is a very quiet but VERY supportive community, we don’t so much do the “likes” here. But we do give feedback, keep remixing. And if you want someone to work with, I’m all ears. I’ve got 40K plus monthly listeners on Spotify. You wanna collabo? Let’s talk.