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Browsing only songs that have been uploaded in layers.

permalink   Tue, Feb 3, 2015 @ 4:02 PM
Hey guys, I am trying to find a way to only browse songs that have each of the different instruments uploaded as different files, I come across them once in a while, but if there is a way to get a list that is only like that, that would be awesome. Does anybody know if this is possible, or do i just need to check each song individually to see if has all the files?

I am writing some software that controls the music being played based on what happens in a jugglers juggling pattern, songs that have all the different parts are much funner to play with.

Thanks folks! By the way, as a non-musician, this site and all the cc music I have recently been so fortunate to discover has repeatedly and consistently blown my mind. Thanks all of you contributors! so very much! :)
permalink   Fri, Feb 6, 2015 @ 11:36 PM
Go into the Samples tab and Browse. Tick the instruments you want and “Match any tags”.
It will list songs with those instruments and will show those which have separate files.