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Remixers needed for rock album remix project!

permalink   Thu, Nov 29, 2012 @ 5:46 AM
Hello there everybody! :)

Let me introduce myself as this is my first post on these boards. My name is Andie, and I am a musician (drummer, composer & producer) out of Sweden. I feel a bit odd coming in here and asking for help the first thing I do, but please hear me out.

I play drums for the band Overworld, we’re a rock/metal band which is rising steadily, having acquired 10,000 likes on Facebook in less than a year (without any external help). In addition, the music video for our track “Until We’re Dead” averages 10k hits per month, so there’s definitely a steady flow of viewers out there.

Recently we came up with the idea of letting remixers re-imagine the songs of our debut EP “Perfect Anomaly” (released May this year). We’re currently working with 4 talented people and our own vocalist, who is a long-time remixer himself, is also contributing a track.

I’m here today to reach out to any talented remixers out there and ask if anyone would be willing to participate. Some of the songs of the EP have yet to be taken (and we’d like to have at least one remix per track), and we’re of course open to having multiple remixes of each song - the more the merrier.

I’ll post a mini-FAQ here which hopefully answers any questions. If you have any more, then feel free to ask!

Where can I listen to your music?

You can check out our tunes for free (of course) at Grooveshark, Soundcloud or YouTube.



YouTube (a playlist with all 5 songs):

What styles can I remix in?

Any style at all. House, dubstep, acoustic re-imaginings, you name it.

What BPMs are the tracks in and what tools will get to help us out in the remixing?

The songs “Until We’re Dead” & “Paper Heart” are in 210 BPM, “Stellar” is in 180, and “Spider” + “Perfect Anomaly” are both 125.

We will supply you with the vocal tracks of all songs (lead vocals, back-up vocals, spoken parts, harmonies etc). Unfortunately that’s the only actual studio part we can share with you for the project.

Where will this remix album be sold and/or heard?

It will be available digitally on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify & Deezer. There won’t be any physical copies.

Will I earn any money?

There won’t be any money involved, we’re afraid. What little revenue we get from digital sales is barely enough to cover the cost of buying licenses to upload this remix project. If anything unforeseen happens and a lot of money is earned whatever, we’ll naturally find a way to share it amongst all participants.

So what exactly do I get from this?

Aside from the fact that you will hopefully find this to be a fun experience, you’ll receive 110% credit for all your work. We’ll plug you and your website (if you have one) and your name will be all over the remix you’ve made. We are a band that is growing rapidly, and down the road having your name associated with us might turn out to be something great!

So which song should I choose, which ones are more popular?

Currently, we have 1 person on “Until We’re Dead”, 2 on “Spider”, 1 on “Stellar” & -maybe- 1 for “Perfect Anomaly”. So “Paper Heart” & “Perfect Anomaly” are the most urgent ones.

Is there a deadline?

The preliminary deadline is Jan 1st, 2013.

Do I have to master my remixes myself?

No, our vocalist will master the tracks (unless you particularly feel like doing it yourself).

How do I contact you if I want to take part, and how do I access the files? Will I get copies of the EP songs as reference?

Write in this thread along with an e-mail and we’ll take it from there. And yes, of course you will get the whole EP for free if you so wish. :)

Again, I apologize for coming in with a “demanding” topic like this for my first post, but I hope you can see where I’m coming from! Looking forward to working together with some of the many brilliant minds out there. :)

And again, feel free to ask if you have any questions.

All the best,

/Andie of Overworld