Imagination Rising Remix Event
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permalink   Sat, Jul 7, 2012 @ 10:50 AM

ccM music supporter/promoter extraordinare, Musikpirate, has opened up his annual free music event over at http://musik.klarmachen-zum... . Artists are invited to submit music for a juried curation, as well as to be entered into a sweepstakes for prizes.

This event comes at a significant time as Musikpirate is about to go to court to defend his promotion of ccMusic on his website and in CD releases featuring cc-licensed music, including music created by the ccMixter community. Authorities from GEMA (the German equivalent to ASCAP) challenge artists’ rights to have their work distributed this way, without paying GEMA fees. You can learn more about this situation here: (article in German).

We would love to show support and solidarity for Musikpirate as he faces GEMA by creating remixes that emphasize our commitment to our rights as artists to share, promote, publish and distribute our work as we elect — including under Creative Commons licenses. As challenges to our freedom to share continue, it is vital that we continue to have our voices heard!

The Freedom & Free Beer event accepts submissions through July 31, 2012. For more details regarding how to submit your remix visit Musikpirate’s website. Folks who share their a capellas and stems on ccMixter get bonus points.

This is a song we have always sung having put our message out there with a capellas and remixes during our Freedom to Share remix event. We invite you to continue expressing your support for an artist to maintain the right to control how his/her work is used by inviting you to create new source for Freedom and Beer and to revisit/reuse the Freedom to Share pellas and remixes which remain relevant and right on point.

Event Details


Freedom to Share Pellas
Freedom to Share Remixes
permalink   Sat, Jul 7, 2012 @ 2:40 PM
I’m excited for the opportunity to support Musikpirate in this endeavor — I feel it is important to raise our voices and instruments and mixing software to this cause. ccMixter depends on the continuance of CC licenses, and these types of lawsuits are misguided and could be detrimental to the future of music collaboration. I feel our music can be educational and help others realize all we create here at ccM is original and does not infringe on copyrights of others.

Thanks for making this happen Susan!
permalink   Kara Square Sun, Jul 8, 2012 @ 8:18 AM
Here, here!
permalink   Sat, Jul 7, 2012 @ 3:55 PM
Um… doesn’t the moniker Music Pirate make it rather difficult to convince others that “all we create… is original and does not infringe on copyrights of others”?
permalink   sLow_starteR Sat, Jul 7, 2012 @ 5:25 PM
I thought that was referencing
“pi rate” (the rate of pi), which is actually a mathematical constant.
Now I’m even more confused than normal
permalink   musikpirat Sun, Jul 8, 2012 @ 1:40 AM
Hi Speck,

this name is related to the pirate party movement. In fact I am the press officier of the hessian pirate party. It took us a couple of years until people in the streets did no longer ask us if “are you the guys from somalia”? Now we are sitting in four of sixteen german parliaments and dozen of regional parliaments. It looks pretty good, that we will manage to get seats in the national elections next year. “Pirate Party” is now a respected name in germany. :)

Musikpiraten (Music pirates) also got a lot of positive media attention in germany when we produced more than 50.000 song books with public domain songs for children. We deliver them since that time to all kindergarten in germany. There are also a couple of bands naming themselves “Musikpiraten” that produce songs for children.

At least in germany there is no danger that people mix up our creative commons projects with copyright infringement.
permalink   Speck Sun, Jul 8, 2012 @ 3:57 AM
Thanks for the explanation/education. I knew none of that.
permalink   mandthedband Sun, Jul 8, 2012 @ 1:22 PM
Since I don’t know enough (=anything) German to read the article, I have used an automatic translator which however did not help too much…
If I got it well… Are they saying nobody can distribute music without the artist (or the distributer in name of the artist/artists?) paying a fee to GEMA? Or rather… are they saying that because of the use of pseudonyms, they can’t check whether an artist is in their records (and if s/he would be in their records, s/he would be forced to pay a fee to distribute his/her music…? … then, anyone can do it except if registered to GEMA and the use of pseudonyms and CC licensing would be a way to avoid paying the fee?).
Sorry, but I don’t get it: it seems to me a thing that a court should reject “automatically” GEMA’s claim in few seconds… instead, it seems it’s going to be a hard battle. What am I missing?
permalink   musikpirat Sun, Jul 8, 2012 @ 1:28 PM
You cannot produce a cd in germany without registering this production at GEMA. If you can give them the real names of all authors (and in case of duplicate name date of birth and current place of living), you have to pay for that production.
Unless the court decides, that a pseudonym CC production beats the GEMA claim - which I realy hope.

Of course in that case a GEMA member could decide to release music under a pseudonym and does not register it at GEMA. S/he would not receive any royalties. But if the royalties were the goal, the registration could be done easily.
permalink   mandthedband Sun, Jul 8, 2012 @ 2:16 PM
I suppose you meant “If you can’t give them the real names of…”, right?
permalink   musikpirat Sun, Jul 8, 2012 @ 10:43 PM
Cannot or will not - this does not matter. I do believe that Creative Commons are valid licenses, even if you do not know the real names.

With our last CD we have five duplications and GEMA “asked” us for personal data about the artists to release us from paying them money. If the CC licenses are valid, there is no need to give those data to GEMA. In most cases you do not even have it.

In a couple of hours I can tell you, what the court thinks about the situation. :)
permalink   musikpirat Mon, Jul 9, 2012 @ 11:31 AM
Ok, we have to wait. At least months, maybe even years. The judge will publicize her decision at august 27th, because both sides told her, that we want a fundamental judgment. She asked GEMA a couple of questions they could not answer and we both have times to send in arguments until august 13th.

No matter how she will decide, we will appeal from first instance - either us or the GEMA.
permalink   sLow_starteR Mon, Jul 9, 2012 @ 3:04 AM
Wow, GEMA is kinda control-freaky…
reminds me of (whispering)

Fighting this using relevant anti-trust (competition) laws of your country?
permalink   phasenwandler Sun, Jul 8, 2012 @ 2:02 AM
I guess that the name Musikpirat refers to the Pirate Party Germany (short: Pirates). With their focus on freedom in the net they have been surprisingly succesfull in the latest national elections. For more informations about them visit the English Wikipedia article or this Wall Street Journal article.

That the name Musikpirat is ambiguous and also could refer to music piracy and copyright infringement is some kind of self-irony, I would guess.

EDIT: Did it really take me that long to write those few lines? I swear that muikpirat’s answer has not been there, when I hit the reply button ;-)
Admiral Bob
permalink   Sun, Jul 8, 2012 @ 10:39 AM
I’m definitely an enthusiast for free beer.
permalink   musikpirat Sun, Jul 8, 2012 @ 10:47 AM
But a lot of your songs are free as in freedom… :o)
permalink   Sun, Jul 8, 2012 @ 2:29 PM
I actually have sympathies with artists, technicians, labels etc who’ve lost money through piracy and illegal downloads etc.

But at the end of the day, from the intelligent musicians’ point of view, the most important issue is the freedom to play what we want to audiences who want to hear us, rather than what we are told to do.

Musicians can always work a day job, but if freedom of speech goes, we can’t play at all.

This case is important, because should the governments side with the music industry, isn’t such a cosy relationship going to threaten musicians opposed to a particular government or policy. Doesn’t that sound more like fascism or communism than freedom?

A lot of people myself included feel that the music industry is a cartel rather than a free market- should a government be supporting a cartel of any kind? I’d add that getting on in commercial music these days depends on who you know rather than what you can do.

I very rarely indeed download pirate music, the only times I’ve done so have been occasions where I’ve been unable to obtain the music legally in the timespan that suits me- by not offering music for *legal* download they’ve thrown away my money which I’d have happily given them!

Instead of attacking freedom of speech, the music industry should get it’s own house in order and offer the choice and availability of music that the listener wants rather than trying to force us at gunpoint to consume what they’ve got on offer.

Just my two cents.

Andy W
permalink   sLow_starteR Mon, Jul 9, 2012 @ 3:15 AM
permalink   CSoul Mon, Jul 9, 2012 @ 4:05 AM

Musicians can always work a day job, but if freedom of speech goes, we can’t play at all.
permalink   economix Wed, Jul 11, 2012 @ 12:44 AM
Thanks very much for so quickly reCCreating my lyrics on this subject.
I have tried to reflect my preference for open content as a consumer and the more I listen to CCmixter tracks, the less other music I use. It is incredibly gratifying to have my children growing up with freedom of choice and regularly asking for reCCreated music and singing along.

I concur that there is a cartel, but a contracts and distribution cartel with little interest in music. I hear that millions of computer users in developed countries are involved in illegal file sharing. Further I understand that despite all the sabre rattling about lost revenue, the corporations are healthier than ever. I hear they have stopped prosecuting individuals and written off the theft as “yet more airtime”. All exposure is good news and regurgitating copyright works amplifies the exposure with an unlawful thrill. Copythieves are the enemy of CCmixter stealing the limelight. We need to be clear about this. Remixing copyright works is

permalink   malcolm56 Thu, Sep 13, 2012 @ 11:26 AM
Quote: economixThanks very much for so quickly reCCreating my lyrics on this subject.
I have tried to reflect my preference for open content as a consumer and the more I listen to CCmixter tracks, the less other music I use. It is incredibly gratifying to have my children growing up with freedom of choice and regularly asking for reCCreated music and singing along.

I concur that there is a cartel, but a contracts and distribution cartel with little interest in music. I hear that millions of computer users in developed countries are involved in illegal file sharing. Further I understand that despite all the sabre rattling about lost revenue, the corporations are healthier than ever. I hear they have stopped prosecuting individuals and written off the theft as “yet more airtime”. All exposure is good news and regurgitating copyright works amplifies the exposure with an unlawful thrill. Copythieves are the enemy of CCmixter stealing the limelight. We need to be clear about this. Remixing copyright works is


This is one of the biggest problem at the moment. And can very well contibute to the economy. There is no crystal clear law written yet about file sharing since that is the main purpose of internet. File sharing. Something needs to be done here.
permalink   Javolenus Sat, Jul 21, 2012 @ 8:13 AM
Some people can’t get a day job, night job, or any other kind of job. Or get paid for playing music. And that only leaves “free” vehicles like ccMixter as a platform for expression.
permalink   stellarartwars Sat, Jul 21, 2012 @ 10:43 AM
Quote: JavolenusSome people can’t get a day job, night job, or any other kind of job. Or get paid for playing music. And that only leaves “free” vehicles like ccMixter as a platform for expression.

In the UK, we had an actual genre called “dole queue rock”. The famous reggae band UB40 are named after the unemployment benefit form which you took to the JobCentre to sign on- they met in the dole queue!
Something that’s a shame today here in England is a lot of unfortunately unemployed kids hang around in gangs rather than starting a band which might not pay a lot but is a great educational and team experience not to mention a creative and artistic one. I’ve spent about half my adult life out of paid work with health problems, and the music has helped me keep my spirits up and given me something to live for. Such as shame the music “industry” here doesn’t give a credit to this inspiring side of music!
permalink   stellarartwars Tue, Jul 31, 2012 @ 2:34 PM
Slightly OT, but a recent letter of mine about the questionable practices of another collection society

As someone who has recently started a business as my way back to work after a period of illness, I was very surprised to receive a letter from the Performers’ Rights Society or PRS. Now I can understand that businesses playing music to entertain customers, from supermarkets and waiting rooms to bars, restaurants and clubs would require a license to pay music. As they point out in the Copyrights, Designs and Patents act of 1988, public performance of a musical work requires permission and payment from the copyright holder. However, they then go on to say that if a radio is played in the workplace whether customers are present or not, the management require a licence to do so.
I feel this amounts to deceptive bullying- behind a door labelled “private- staff only” is not a public place in any shape or form, so music played in such an area does not constitute a public performance. I am after all, as a member of the public, not allowed to walk into the PRS boardroom at leisure because it’s private property.
As a keen musician and music fan myself, I have sympathies with the music industry for losses sustained through internet piracy. Yet bullying and pettiness neither strengthens the music industry’s case or endears supporters to a business that many would consider operating as a cartel as opposed to a competitive business model.
I am also highly sceptical about any cosy relationship between the arts world and the state. Many of the greatest popular music works of the last century have been highly political, such as John Lennon, Bob Dylan and so forth. To me it would be all to easy for multinational record companies to pay back a helpful state by silencing any criticism. A musician can after all work a day job, but if freedom of speech goes we can’t play at all!
permalink   Mon, Jul 9, 2012 @ 7:27 AM
Inspired to contribute what I can, just the words as usual. Free beer reminded me of a party gag in which as many people as possible are crammed into a small car or phone booth. Aiming for the nonsensical, I have attempted to cram as many unbranded open content name drops here into a single work as possible. I would be very happy to collaborate with a vocalist/artist.

by Hamish Darby
Creative Commons 3.0 Unported
Attribution Only License

The miracle is this
the less you share, the more you miss.
give me linux
make mine open source
pump up the remix
and freedom, of course

The miracle is this
the less you share, the more you miss
I took a field trip, to west suburbia
for a snowblind vacation, beside oceania
with a poetry book, full of verse libre
I borrowed it, to attribute is superior

The miracle is this
the less you share, the more you miss
I got pulled over, on route sixty six
showed my GNU public license
they understood creative commons bliss
so big buck bunny just blew me a kiss
to the open road, a dead man drinking is

The miracle is this
the less you share, the more you miss
elephants dream of nasty old people
sita sings the blues to the steeple
nobody needs to know, sintel is a keeper

The miracle is this
the less you share, the more you miss
move underground, star wrek is around
cactuses, in bloodspell abound

Most of the works mentioned are a book & films. I have also posted some thoughts on the sociology of cultural freedom at
permalink   Snowflake Mon, Jul 9, 2012 @ 10:19 AM
brilliant! you are very talented, and we share a philosophical core (huge fan of Linux and GNU!!) :)
permalink   ifupdown Mon, Jul 9, 2012 @ 11:51 AM
we are about 1% of the desktop users, so it`s always great to meet people who know this hole philosophy matters. No wonder that a place like ccmixter has probably more GNU/ Linux enthusiasts than most of the other sites and I`m always glad to read comments like this :)
permalink   Admiral Bob Tue, Jul 10, 2012 @ 6:06 AM
There are, of course, limits to that for musicians. I’m on a Mac because music tools on Linux mostly aren’t that good (other than Hydrogen!)
permalink   ifupdown Tue, Jul 10, 2012 @ 8:35 AM
true, in terms of making music its limited, although some people are fine with it. There is some nice audio-software for linux (indeed hydrogen for example is very cool!), but unfortunately making music is the only thing I still need another OS either, so I have a windows partition on my music pc.

Haven`t read that much about it yet, but Bitwig could be nice maybe (upcoming ableton clone also for linux). well, we will see..

so..true, musicians are limited with linux, but in the end this hole sharing here on ccmixter is the thing linux users are always looking for, thats what I meant in my previous comment :)
permalink   stellarartwars Sat, Jul 21, 2012 @ 2:35 PM
Quote: ifupdowntrue, in terms of making music its limited, although some people are fine with it. There is some nice audio-software for linux (indeed hydrogen for example is very cool!), but unfortunately making music is the only thing I still need another OS either, so I have a windows partition on my music pc.

Haven`t read that much about it yet, but Bitwig could be nice maybe (upcoming ableton clone also for linux). well, we will see..

so..true, musicians are limited with linux, but in the end this hole sharing here on ccmixter is the thing linux users are always looking for, thats what I meant in my previous comment :)

Hopefully, my business will have grown within a few years enough to employ full time C++ developers with DSP programming skills. I’d like to invest a million dollars or so building a combined user interface for the different components of Ubuntu studio- effectively turning individual programs into plug ins.
Sadly I dropped out of a Software Engineering and Maths degree aged 21- would have been really useful to have graduated from this course. Youth is wasted on the young indeed- and in England they seem to make it as hard as possible for adults- with mortgages, families etc to study at degree and masters level. Go to college to get a job and they stop your unemployment benefit because this doesn’t count as looking for work- they just want to shift you into a dead end position. It sucks!
permalink   ifupdown Sun, Jul 22, 2012 @ 7:26 AM
indeed, when education or knowledge is expensive, that`s a pretty clear message from politicians..
permalink   mandthedband Sun, Jul 22, 2012 @ 9:44 AM
very sad indeed! I am a currently an eager hobbyist and professional programmer swinging between boring “business logic” and the desire of “actual computational stuffs” and since I am a little bit (so to say) interested in music too I had planned several tools to help my musical production, but they all turned into just “dreams”, since there’s no time to do all the needed study and research and test and… Recently I’ve stumbled on FAUST, which it seems it could be helpful in reducing the time needed to handle some details of the several plugin architecture one would like to support (indeed I am interested just in LV2 and Jack…:D)

The idea of a software which provides an “unified” interface is interesting —even if all software that can be “Jack”-ed can be thought as a “plugin”, sometimes I miss a more “central” view and control of all the “components”!

But even I need an annuity to chase all these ideas…
permalink   economix Wed, Jul 11, 2012 @ 5:08 PM
Works OK for new Admiral Bob/Sackjo22 videos
permalink   mandthedband Sun, Jul 22, 2012 @ 9:25 AM
Quote: Admiral BobThere are, of course, limits to that for musicians. I’m on a Mac because music tools on Linux mostly aren’t that good (other than Hydrogen!)

I would dare say Ardour (as DAW) is a good software —and it’s GPLed. Ardour3 seems promising … I have donated to the project hoping a day it could compare better with commercial tools…
permalink   stellarartwars Mon, Jul 9, 2012 @ 12:49 PM
great words!
permalink   economix Mon, Jul 9, 2012 @ 7:53 PM
While I am on the subject, I have been using the word CCreator or CContributor for a person who generates open content. it is problematic that remix and file-sharing have illegal connotations. I propose the term reCCreate for a legal remix. reccreate is three letters longer. Can’t have everything. It implies that commons have been used and produced. ReCCreation has a lovely ring to it.
permalink   Snowflake Tue, Jul 10, 2012 @ 12:05 PM
Love the term reCCreate. Will start using right away.
permalink   tigabeatz Thu, Jul 12, 2012 @ 12:32 PM
Quote: economixREccREATE
is indeed a cool term. i love it. guess it would nicely fit below the ccmixter logo… :-)
permalink   Abstract Audio Sat, Jul 14, 2012 @ 4:43 AM
Loving that term!! I’ll start using it as of today
permalink   ScOmBer Mon, Jul 9, 2012 @ 10:54 PM
Very cool and clever
permalink   economix Wed, Jul 11, 2012 @ 7:51 AM
permalink   Wed, Jul 11, 2012 @ 9:07 AM
Count me in.
permalink   Thu, Jul 12, 2012 @ 7:31 AM
Feature Length CCmixter Proposal.
There is a lot of video around. Perhaps the archive could be spliced together and make a 90 minute feature length movie. About 20 tracks. Then it could be placed on File-Sharing site, film lists etc. I am offering to transcode the material. Interested to hear your views.
permalink   Admiral Bob Thu, Jul 12, 2012 @ 2:17 PM
It is a great idea! And what if it was a bit more ambitious. What if it was about ccMixter? :)
permalink   economix Thu, Jul 12, 2012 @ 4:51 PM
I realize the community is about making music. I don’t want to distract the purpose by asking for more creation, but staying open to ideas. The music itself has enough notoriety that it has started to appear in film, but it would be nice to have a feature length work with CCMIXTER in the title. I am suggesting CC-BY to widen the audience. There is so much material that editting is a thankless job (which works gets in?). To use the name and logo, the idea needs an official CCMIXTER heavy weight to greenlight the final list.

This is a bit off the subject of free beer, perhaps an admin can suggest where to take it?
permalink   Thu, Jul 12, 2012 @ 8:51 PM
a song of mine called “Music Biz Today” - will upload stems when I’ve finished!

If I was a doctor
And cured the sick for free
Would the other medics
Launch a lawsuit against me?
If I fed the starving
Would you call the cops?
Accuse me of stealing trade
From what they couldn’t afford
To buy in your shops
This is what they call music today
It’s a 9 to 5 where the desperate folk
Scrabble over peanuts pay
It’s a hard knock life
When you finally discover
That the faceless men in suits
Fight musicians one against the other
If I try to help
Would you kick me in the teeth?
I ain’t hurting you
So why the hell have you got beef?
I’ve a budget fifty times
As small as you
Yet a little competition
Seems to leave you sad and blue
I don’t want no fancy vids
Cosmetic sales to little kids
I’m not in this game for pay
I just wanna sing and play!
permalink   economix Thu, Jul 12, 2012 @ 10:14 PM
Fantastic. You have captured the violence in media wars very nicely.
We could also point out differences between copyright culture. Australia inherited the British system in which copyright is automatic on all my works on creation. A default. There is no patent office and never will be. Copyright on all works expires seventy years after my death (increased from fifty to get a free trade deal with the USA). There is no possibility of ever transferring or extending ownership, regardless of how much you are willing to pay. So it is theoretically impossible for me to make a universal dedication. A legal puzzle. The situation has already arisen where works copyright in one country are legally expired in another. Worse, when the term of expiry was extended in some countries, works which had been public domain were suddenly not.

My point is that copyright is not absolute, simple or even very long-standing. The concept of patents is barely a century old. Sure they protect owners rights, but I want the right to give. I want my gifts to have legal rights on par with ownership, even after my death or in my absence. That would NOT include paying fees.

Newspapers survived radio. Radio survived TV. All will survive internet communication and self-publishing. Creative Commons licenses are important, but the rights of a respository like CCmixter for hosting our products under license cannot be overstated, they harbour a critical freedom.

Some of the music posted on ccmixter are gospel songs. Does a tax on preachig raise an alarm with anybody?

The principle GEMA are trying to uphold is the importance of propiety. The public domain is a huge and permanent reminder, like the air we breathe; not everything has an owner, nor should it.
permalink   stellarartwars Thu, Jul 19, 2012 @ 12:59 PM
What I find rather strange as a businessman, is quite simply why the animosity between commercial and free sectors? In software, Bill Gates, a guy I’ve generally a lot of respect for, once talked about Linux as the “cancer of free software”- what planet is he on? By embracing Linux for example he could bundle Firefox with Windows instead of IE- it’s better, simple as that. He could abandon IE development, pay Mozilla developers for their work and still be quids in- so that Windows could be profitably offered for $5 or so less. Similarly, the free and resource lightweight could replace the inferior Windows Paint, again saving money, boosting profits for both Microsoft and the developer yet cutting price. Everyone’s a winner.

Music is sadly even less evolved than software. CC just like Linux still allows for exclusive commercial deals between distributor and developer- offering *new* business opportunities rather than destroying them! Why pay big bucks for your company to re-invent the wheel when someone’s already done it for you?
permalink   economix Wed, Aug 8, 2012 @ 5:43 AM
There is an operating system I only refer to as “GATE-CRASHER”, but since you plugged it already.
The internet is media. Media Moguls weren’t ready for it, but they are catching up fast. The real estate they covet most is between your ears. If they make something dazzling, we are drawn to it, get used to it, treat it as a fact of life and then after a trickle of small print, WHAM come the conditions. It is about control.
If Linux were an analogy with creative commons music, then ccMixter is playing to 1% of the audience. I am happy with 1% of music users choosing the tracks less heard. Often not glossy, without any air time other than what vloggers chose to give, locked out by distributors. be 1% proud.
Take a look at the choice of subject matter - people sing about what they are concerned about. They sing for the environment, gospel, vegetables, cycling. Someone is probably doing a Masters dissertation on these independent options as freedom of voice.
Abstract Audio
permalink   Sat, Jul 14, 2012 @ 7:48 AM
True ccmixter style: “you sue us for putting our own free music out there?? We will come back at you with more music”

No seriously it’s absurd that the pirates are being sued for putting our music out there. We created it so we should be able to do with it whatever we want.

Here’s my 2 cent:
permalink   Mon, Jul 16, 2012 @ 11:58 AM
Free music and free beer - I’m a fan of both. But GEMA is not the only real problem. They got too much rights from the German parliament. Well, that’s democracy (and lobbying).

ccMixter takes the copyright checking very serious but a lot of other web sites don’t. For instance hosts tons of music false licensed as CC by the uploaders! The web masters just don’t care and don’t check. And there are many other web sites which earn an awful lot of money with stolen music -> youtube?

GEMA is just the executing company of German artists to claim their rights. And I’m sure I’m not the only one who has one or more not-fully-legal pieces of music on his computer (although I try to stick to CC licensed music or buy the CD). A consensus of both sides is necessary. I wish Christian all the best for his fight in court. Some of the GEMA “rules” really need a change.

Ok - and now tear me into pieces…
permalink   economix Wed, Jul 18, 2012 @ 6:03 AM
The web masters repeat often - do your own research. A challenge from the owner is all that is required to remove material. I am afraid many will see the situation as simply CCMIXTER encouraging intellectual trespass, even though this is an incorrect over-simplified view. The explosion of commons licensing in social media represents a landslide in the popularity of this concept. We must stay positive. CCmixter must associate itself with rigth and lawful media exchange.
I propose a tutorial on how (and why) to make CORRECT and BEST PRACTISE attributions and recognize ownership as the maker intended and the license dictates. I have sorta been doing this anyhows… Does anyone have a dead certain “I shot this myself” video on youtube or vimeo I can use?

Big players would love for small minnows to think they need to be an international copyright lawyer to post anything - CCmixter is challenging this assumption with the truth. Every song advertises the honesty of the movement.
permalink   rocavaco Wed, Jul 18, 2012 @ 6:50 AM
Quote: economixThe web masters repeat often - do your own research.
And this simplification is one of the sources why institutions like GEMA can do what they do. Web masters make money with content they don’t care about. They have the profit - they should be responsible for the content they provide.
Try to see it from the perspective of GEMA: how should they know that ccMixter is a “good site” where CC licensing is taken serious? That’s why the law is as it is at the moment: if you make a CC licensed CD you have to proove that the content is license free. Its this reverse proof that makes it most problematic for my understanding of rights. But maybe the upcoming Pirate parties all over Europe now will be able to change the laws in a democratic way.
permalink   economix Wed, Jul 18, 2012 @ 8:55 AM
My attempt to help clarify things
permalink   Abstract Audio Wed, Jul 18, 2012 @ 2:06 PM
I hope it will have some effect.

PS This message is bought by a concerned commuity member

Shouldn’t that be brought by??
permalink   economix Wed, Jul 18, 2012 @ 4:19 PM
Thanks, spelling corrected.
From the perspective of GEMA, I see a sacred duty to use all that power given by parliament wisely.

What constitutes proof of originality I wonder? If the originality of a work is proven, does that confer immunity from prosecution? If GEMA takes on all responsibility for intellectual property, that would mean GEMA police commons licenses also.
permalink   Tue, Jul 17, 2012 @ 6:52 AM
“Stout Shout, Loaned Lager, Barter Brew”
a musicians pep-talk by Hamish Darby
under Creative Commons 3.0 unported Attribution Only License

The crowd will turn up for the music
You just got to have faith
the equipment will work when you use it
and there’ll be a jug waiting off-stage

They’ll laugh at the jokes in the lines
Our sound is classic at any age
we give ourselves to song any time
There’ll be a jug waiting off-stage

The arrangement sounds great with your sample
good enough to share with the entourage
the choice of acapellas is ample
there’ll be a jug waiting off-stage

Co-contributors call me King O’Cool
Lyrics write themselves on the page
Heard my song, walking past the school
there will be a jug waiting off-stage

Extremely rough melody at
Feel free to add vocals
(Shout is an Australianism meaning to treat people to a drink)
permalink   Thu, Jul 19, 2012 @ 11:45 AM
Um… I’m here for the free beer.
permalink   Numeron Fri, Jul 20, 2012 @ 10:17 AM
Quote: morgantjUm… I’m here for the free beer.

Hell yeah! All this talk about rights is making me reeeeeal thirsty!
permalink   Snowflake Sat, Jul 21, 2012 @ 3:02 PM
I definitely owe you a beer Travis. When will you be in So Cal???? :)
permalink   musikpirat Sun, Jul 22, 2012 @ 8:16 AM
Quote: morgantjUm… I’m here for the free beer.

Send me your address and I gonna get you that beer!
permalink   Mon, Jul 23, 2012 @ 8:22 PM
yay free music and beer.. and cookies, right? The peanut butter kind damnit.

Anyway, I have something I want to submit for this but I have a few questions as I always do with these kinds of events.

Am I permitted to use only samples and pells submitted specifically for this free music and beer and peanut butter cookie event or may I use anything off ccmixter? Must the song and samples used within be CC-BY?
permalink   Wed, Aug 8, 2012 @ 7:58 AM
Incomplete inspirational fiction on the subject of free music and free beer
permalink   Sat, Aug 25, 2012 @ 2:04 PM
Thank you very much for all the music you created for this “event”. Your support means a lot to me!

In two days, the court will give its judgement. Right now we have a lot of media attention in germany. GEMA pis**d a lot of people of by announcing new payment model and a lot of clubs claim to be ruined if the have to pay them. Of course they do not show their books, so there is a little doubt.

Anyway, we have the attention. A major german tv station would like to make a report about the judgement. But there will be no great pictures, because nobody will be there to have the judge read her judgment. On this level, it would be very uncommon to do so - and I have to work at that time. So they were interested in a music video of dragonfly. It would be absolutly great, if somebody could create one… :o)