Imagination Rising Remix Event
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THANK YOU to the ccMixter Community

permalink   Fri, Apr 16, 2010 @ 11:57 AM
Hi, everyone.

As some of you know, for the past few weeks I have been running the beta release for the DEF with the REVOLUTION rEMIX pROJECT. After putting out a call to the ccMixter community, I was blessed with so many awesome remixes.

I just want to say a sincere thanks to everyone who has contributed their flavor. The project means a lot to me, and your participation has been crucial to its launch and development. I appreciate the way you all have embraced me and my project.

I also would like to encourage and welcome in advance any further remixes for the project. I always love checking my inbox and getting that awesome “upload by….” subject line.

Anyway, thank you all, and keep up the great work.
