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profile pic molestation?

permalink   Mon, May 14, 2007 @ 4:25 AM
Been offline (and very depressed) since my hard drive decided to fail unrecoverably; I scrape up enough loot to replace my system, re-install my apps, go to my page, and… WTF? I’m looking at what at first I think is some old grade-school shot of me, but on closer inspection, isn’t even me at all! Who thought it was cute to screw w/ my profile pic, and how’d they do that w/o my knowledge or permission? …and who IS that a pic of? creeped me right the hell out…
permalink   Mon, May 14, 2007 @ 9:38 AM
we have a lame bug in the system that requires your avatar to be a unique name, so don’t name your file ‘untitled’ and you’ll be fine.

sorry about that.
permalink   Mon, May 14, 2007 @ 11:23 AM
ok, I think I have fixed this once and for all. The fix has affected a couple of people (like if your avatar was called ‘me’ or ‘untitled’) but if you just upload your proper avatar now you should be 100% ok.

Sorry about that, should be fixed now.