Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 96 - 108 of 141 matches total
...nd good with an old fashioned/creepy feel to it. so i finally decided to put this together. media,remix,bpm_120_125,male_vocals,pian
all the time (dogmix) thanks to sackjo22 for this great song. i've given it an old-fashioned pop ballad/anthem feel - in 6/8 - probabl... a more elaborate fashion. the bpm = 120 if you'd like the stems, email me. media,remix,bpm_120_125,avant_garde,guitar,instrum
cosmo a poem about cosmo a magazine about fashion, culture and such. i don't understand it's appeal acappella,media,cosmo,hollywood,poe...
...tion in the någaku fashion titled "the prostitute's ghost" - inspired by the writings of ichiyo higuchi (1872-96). acappella,media, a start at the fashion show at the old folks home oh sarah since i met you and i'm with you all alone my whole world's fe a start at the fashion show at the old folks home oh sarah since i met you and i'm with you all alone my whole world's fe
... used in some other fashion. this is my first time uploading something a bit more structured and melodic. all advice for improve
...ew with a less than fashionable ending :-0[/red] media,remix,bpm_120_125,beats,dark,female_vocals,guitar,male_vocals,nightmare,scomb
...g different. my old fashioned pc was about to collapse. but my dear spouse liked it. she said it sounded like captain future. hope
... we did it the old fashioned way though. we arranged to abduct panu from one of his favorite watering holes just outside atlanta,
...gan resonating in a fashion that sounded terribly like panu moon and forensic. luckily my studio below was recording this strange p
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