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Viewing 0 - 12 of 42 matches total
...n stereo-field) transports me under the trees next to your glass art near your windchimes swaying in the breeze. thank you for this
...and relaxing -- transports me to another place :) incredible work, so many nice touches to it, i can't get enough :)
review of 'layer cake' by 'mr. pepino' very good! love this dreamy feeling it transports!
review of 'schrã¶dinger's television' by 'mr. pepino' wow! what a disconcerting feeling this track transports - love it! fits great to th...
review of 'buss it up' by 'scomber' transports me straight to georgetown [up][/up]
...eakdown section transports me to a town square church. perfect holiday music!
...atmosphere that transports me to an underground acid-jazz club, filled with smoke, mood and incredible musicianship. adding billyray
review of 'lost' by 'porchcat' fantastic job. this transports to a genre of music from the 90s/00s. this could easily be, for example, a ...
review of 'orangutan at the podium' by 'bluemillenium' deep bass and effects intro transports you to another world. later, in listening,...
review of 'world of sports' by 'snowflake' so clever! i love the sports samples. funky and cool.
review of 'world of sports' by 'latopa' modern s*&@ you did on this mix[up][/up]
review of 'world of sports' by 'speck' very cool. i tried one once using tennis sounds but it didn't turn out anywhere near as good as th...
Viewing 1 through 12 of 42 More >>>