
Search Results

Viewing 0 - 12 of 627 matches total
... backing music, and ideas with great ingenuity...
...musical cupboard of ideas.[up][/up] lots of musical ideas here. broad strokes and wonderful details.
...g point for so many ideas.
review of 'dance to the music' by 'admiral bob' lots of good ideas here to work from! thank you for this.
... sound setting that ideas can be built from…. prescriptive in mood but not limiting in what can come from them.
review of '2024 06 26 synth percs loops 01' by 'apoxode' super fun 8-bit joy, already getting ideas for it :) [up][/up][up][/up]
review of 'skye raga' by 'apoxode' relaxing and upbeat jazz meditation. some ideas would be to start dulling the high end of the cymbals...
review of 'trade winds' by 'milkdaddy' hey, i was wondering if your the remixer/producer! any ideas for that?
review of 'the resident' by 'milkdaddy' rocking it! but i was wondering if your the remixer/producer! any ideas?
review of 'christmasthingy' by 'milkdaddy' hey, i was thinking if your the remixer/producer! any ideas?
review of 'september expressions' by 'milkdaddy' hey, i was thinking if your the remixer/producer! any ideas?
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