Season of the Stars: ccM & MP

Search Results

Viewing 0 - 12 of 67 matches total
review of 'follow (jansmusic remix)' by 'musikpirat' wait - you made this using a mobile device? unbelievable!
...three are remixes. gaming the system. not cool. also, it doesn't work. the more rapidly you upload, the less listens you get. at l
...ttached) instead of gaming the system by using a one second sample of someone's insignificant kick or crash?
review of 'cassie o' by 'apoxode' 8 bit vgm fun! this takes me back to the nes days of gaming, i can visualize the little sprites running...
...tty much adore your gaming with the frequencies.
review of 'notice me' by 'kara square' deeply moving... heartbreaking and heart-opening... your vocal delivery in this is a thing of artistic genius.....
review of 'peace and blessings' by 'carosone' i am so honoured to be remixed by jlang, a long time experienced producer! i downloaded many of your rem...
review of 'monnaie,industrie' by 'siobhan dakay' i have heard this track the day you published it on my mobile phone on a transatlantic flight. unfor...
review of 'singularity' by 'mr_yesterday' thanks, stefan, very fun. i had only a mobile phone all day so i had to wait to comment until i'd had a chan...
review of 'running' by 'ivan chew' listening to this on earphones (cos playback from the mobile phone just doesn't cut it), i love how there are so ma...
review of 'perpetuum mobile' by 'javolenus' awesome! fantastic sounds & such a cool groove. wonderful mix. [up][/up][up][/up][up][/up][up][/up]
review of 'perpetuum mobile' by 'texasradiofish' big synth party, karsten! [up][/up]
Viewing 1 through 12 of 67 More >>>