Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 96 - 108 of 123 matches total
the bird leaves its cage (and enters another) [b]the bird leaves its cage and enters another[/b] [i]for juan garrido-salgado*[/i]...
a better world [b]a better world[/b] money is mute. humility talks. landmines are consumed by dung beetles overnight people have the con...
moths and butterflies [b]moths and butterflies[/b] go about their work stoically in grey suits or grimy blue overalls pollinating ...
from a novel, torn the true story of a girl i once taught. the poem originally appeared in my collection [b]micromacro[/b] (seaview press, south austr...
dark red earth (life and art) this is my remix of an aboriginal-sampled tribal house track from my colours of sound collection. the title refers to th...
hello, how are you? the sound of a toy-monkey my daughter got from some friends from australia - about 10 years ago. maybe someone can use it. sorry f...
endless summer i was grabbed by the simplicity and honesty of clarence simpson’s guitar work on his piece simply titled [i]c minor[/i] and decided t...
a trio cultural mix this mix is containing some musical instruments of different cultures.indian sitar and tablas , arabian ( or turkish or greek) dar...
cherished walking lovely words written by australian poet susan mcmichael. the music is from the album "sky" by frozen silence and is called "cherish"...
the walker (acappella) susan mcmichael - 1 august 2010 the walker i walk through the city, plaiting up dreams. they are best found at night, ste...
little penguin the little penguin species (eudyptula minor)lives in australia and new zealand. it's the smallest penguin, about 12 or 13 inches high. ...
gambling addiction nickleus' disturbing cello chords lent themselves to a poem i wrote called 'pokies at the emu' (pokies are poker machines in austra...
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