Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 48 - 60 of 71 matches total volume could be increased a bit? at times it sort of ducks behind the rest of the mix. minor issue though - this is a grea
...t this all together increased with subsequent listenings. i really like how you used the source material, and your melancholic track
... it sound fuller to increase the contrast with the beat-less parts - but that's really a minor thing.
...t for the vocal. to increase your volume & thicken up the mix, try duplicating each track one or two more times. good track, welcom
review of 'together alone' by 'fourstones' to (radically) increase the chances of being remixed i suggest the following: - upload pell...
review of 'broken cuckoo mix' by 'radiotimes' wonderful mood created on this and those tribal drums increase the atmospheric feel of this...
... my head, doesnt it increase in bpm at about 1.50?
...e choices genuinely increase the quality of life, although occasionally they do. today i noticed my local supermarket was carrying
... mind some areas of increased aggression or solid breaks to accentuate the meaning of the pells, but it isn't necessary. nice title
...d work, just try to increase the volume of the pellas, at some moments we can't hear them enough. respect!
..... ;-) have they increased the 10mb file limit?
... each variation, or increase the variation more significantly. in particular, the segments with the 'popcorn' sounds seemed to go o
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