Mixing-Celebratory Secret Mixter

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Viewing 3984 - 3996 of 32383 matches total
drunk with you this is my 64th song. i made this track with lmms (linux multimedia studio). lmms is awesome. the best free daw compared to fl studio. ...
up on the housetop history lesson! "up on the housetop" was written by benjamin hanby in 1864. get this... not only is it considered the [i]second-old...
the saxophone's last voyage another wistful potpourri ! combining a frantic flanged drum track from djlang with stef sax " alto sax" and zeos' " l...
go tell it on the mountain (admiral bob bass harmony) [big][red]bass[/red] [green]harmony[/green] [red]vocals[/red] [green]for[/green] admiral bob's ...
having a fine time many years ago before the kids, xmas eve would end up with the two of us, naked, rolling about on the carpet. i leave you with t...
the king shall come a lesser known christmas/advent piece by john brownlie to the traditional tune "the morning song" (key of f minor.) i've alread...
mackerel sky once in a while i'll hear a remix (in this case apoxode's [url=http://ccmixter.org/files/apoxode/60717]in the sun[/url]) i really like an...
leaving babylon our remix of leaving babylon by i_rebel. [url=https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-000648042091-orqmww-t500x500.jpg]artwork for this rele...
growing apart abandoned traktor for this one, mixed the sweet stems of moscardo' s "staying together.."solely in reaper. feeling somewhat wistful.....
somebody's in love discovered panu's song when loveshadow recently remix it. immediately put the song on song's to work list. also, made a note to reu...
a xmas carol and a new year george another year nearly over and ccm keeps going. big thankyou to all those who keep the heart in the music big tha...
computer music ruined my life ,media,remix,non_commercial,audio,mp3,44k,stereo,cbr,drums,electronic,bass,synthesizer,experimental,instrumental,chill,...
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