Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 384 - 396 of 3004 matches total
...ode overhead and rolled my fingers around the a minor scale. added some muted guitar whacks and pushed it all to the moog bassline.
snowflake freedom wraping up 'freedom month' 6 days lefft in these troubled times of aggression and strife... who will provide us a b...
... my eyes politic led prosecution they place no value on our lives now it flames a revolution to kill a newborn 'fore it cries
... my eyes politic led prosecution they place no value on our lives now it flames a revolution to kill a newborn 'fore it cries
...nus[/url], so i fiddled some more. think this version is much cooler than the last one. what do you think? once again the backing
...ed a little, remodelled tobias' guitar stems, played some piano and then a string section for the end. jeris on the rhodes and ba
... mwic’s sample called “scales” sounded like an intro, and i thought it would be interesting to put the song into the interior
...hord structure revealed itself and made sense when sackjo turned up and said stay i did. when in doubt..vocode. serio
empty house [i]the house was empty, and it looked like no one had been here in ages. max closed the door behind him, strolled into the ho...
...hile fireflies crackled across the open field on a warm summer night. i haven't heard it that way yet, but i did the best i could
...5__transitking__needledrop01 509882__slamaxu__female-shout-02 495084__makenoisemusic__brett-na ,media,secret_mixter,remix,mixup,fa
42 minus for some unknown reason i decided to take a try on hip hop. i wanted to use something by forensic but failed miserably. event...
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