Deep Roots Remix Event

Search Results

Viewing 2976 - 2988 of 3278 matches total
review of 'from a minor to a major' by 'ciggiburns' i really, really like this one. it's sort of tight and twangy with unexpected bits. (...
review of 'music improvement - do it mix' by 'ciggiburns' [u]yes[/u]! i'm joining the crowd and saying i love this too. [up][/up]
review of 'the way i got this way blues-rock mix' by 'ciggiburns' [b][i]fantastic[/i][/b]! had me grinning from start to finish and enjoy...
review of 'aintnobodyround' by 'ciggiburns' as good as ever but unlike the reviewers above, i think you should do your homework first and...
review of 'apologise. the wet suit mix' by 'ciggiburns' [i]dreamy[/i],as cartoon girls used to say in jackie comic. it sounds like being ...
review of 'different' by 'ciggiburns' it certainly is different but, strangely, it works and gives the song a whole new edge. thank you! ...
review of 'una cancić³n (silviao*zone mix)' by 'ciggiburns' i was thinking about having treacle tart and custard but this is such a rich ...
review of 'on the white sands of colva' by 'ciggiburns' this has such a gentle, silky flow yet it incorporates lots of subtle sounds that...
review of 'we are boats (rock ballad) ft. panu moon' by 'ciggiburns' this mix gives me shivers it's so fantastic - it really works with p...
review of 'mirror -- lead' by 'ciggiburns' spell-binding lyrics and an outstanding singing voice. i really love this one. x
review of 'we are boats (rock ballad) ft. panu moon' by 'sackjo22' what a dynamic arrangment! burnin' guitar and some really nice chord c...
...sod the future lets burn gas now and live happily!!
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