Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 142224 - 142236 of 142633 matches total review of "bored on your backside" this is really tight. i _love_ this.
teru review of "sucuri" cool sound. i'm just not a big fan of what happens at 2:00. i really like your calm side though. hope to hear more.
teru review of "no meaning no (two-letter dub)" great sample manipulation. in my opinion a little too much kick drum but i really like the guitar sa...
teru review of "no - x-club - adub remix (voxdelay)" voices come out really low on my speakers. so i don't think i'm getting the full effect. could b...
teru review of "automato" i hate to make a critisism that can just as easily be directed at me but a little static. seems to be waiting for somethin...
teru review of "no meaning noise (wtf mix)" don't mean to sound cruel but from a remix point of view the samples that you used seem to be replacable ...
creativelycommon review of "oggenc -q 6 $x" my favorite from the ep
gerador zero review of "bored on your backside" great tune!, really! it all fits together very well.
heuristics inc. review of "revolve" very good remix. stays interesting throughout, makes a nice groove. nice work. -bill
creativelycommon review of "revolve" you totally dropped it like it was hot
hisboyelroy review of "no meaning no (dustred remix)" definitely a good solid mix. very funky. it has a nice groove to it.
minus kelvin review of "orchestral hit faire" i agree about the byrne track. i can't stand how it's mixed. ughh. it hurts my ears to listen to it...
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