
Reviews for "A Stranger To Ourselves"

A Stranger To Ourselves
by Zep Hurme
Recommends (13)
Sun, May 19, 2013 @ 12:36 PM

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Donnie Ozone
permalink   Mon, May 20, 2013 @ 9:40 AM
Love the 5/4 timing, the layers, the treatment on the vocals. Thanks for spicing up the pell. Love this!
Hans Atom
permalink   Tue, May 21, 2013 @ 2:53 AM
Great mix. What an (awe-)inspiring rhythm. Reminds me of the sessions I had with a band that also had these strange rhythm-patterns. I loved it and I hated it, because it kicked me and my guitar out every 10 seconds. I am happy that you can handle it. Great work, Zep, inspiring and rocking in very progressive way
permalink   Sat, Jun 1, 2013 @ 4:27 AM
Nice to hear some rhythmic tangents