Resilience Secret Mixter Uploads in Progress

Reviews for "Gambling addiction"

Gambling addiction
by robwalkerpoet
Recommends (6)
Thu, Mar 10, 2011 @ 2:33 AM

Uses samples from:

permalink   Thu, Mar 10, 2011 @ 3:01 AM
great poem rob! and i *love* listening to australian english =) the funny thing is that i never intended that those chords should be used like that, it was just a preview of the different chords i made, but it was interesting that you were actually able to use them together like that =) i recognized the apple loop in the beginning too (in v2), layered on top of the chords (i’ve used it myself in a short sample song i made: )
permalink   robwalkerpoet Thu, Mar 10, 2011 @ 12:11 PM
Quote: nickleusgreat poem rob! and i *love* listening to australian english =) the funny thing is that i never intended that those chords should be used like that, it was just a preview of the different chords i made, but it was interesting that you were actually able to use them together like that =) i recognized the apple loop in the beginning too (in v2), layered on top of the chords (i’ve used it myself in a short sample song i made: )

Thanks, mate. Can’t take any credit for the Australian accent - it just comes out that way!
permalink   Thu, Mar 10, 2011 @ 4:14 AM
Well written/delivered. Strong imagery and internal intensity that the cellos support. I walked through a casino once - it felt totally alien. I count myself lucky I don’t have that addiction.
permalink   robwalkerpoet Thu, Mar 10, 2011 @ 12:16 PM
Thanks, Speck. Yeah- I think pokies in pubs are even worse than casinos. In Australia they’ve destroyed the community atmosphere of a lot of the old hotels, ruined the live pub-music scene and they’re a kind of defacto disproportionate tax on the poor. Don’t get me started!