Reviews for "MusicCorrosive"

by ghosts4hire
Recommends (2)
Sun, Jul 19, 2009 @ 1:37 AM
media, remix, bpm_120_125, chill, drums, electro, electronic, experimental, strangeronearth, techno, trip_hop
Uses samples from:
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Sun, Jul 19, 2009 @ 6:54 AM
There’s a lot going on. The way you use vocals is a real treat for my sensors, and the constant shifting in the flow keeps it unique and exciting. Great stuff.
Thanks for listning. I really like your stuff and I know if you enjoyed listening then I did something right
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Sun, Jul 19, 2009 @ 9:38 PM
This mix is rather intense.
Its something I suppose. Here are some quotes from another site I post on about this song,
“This is pretty bad. There is absolutely no flow or rhythm, it sounds like you just threw a bunch of random sounds together with the vocals. Next time try to have some cohesiveness or some kind of order. The only part of the song I enjoyed was the ending and thats only because it was so peaceful compared to the chaos that is the rest of it.” “the vocals, dont fit together with any part of the song. and honestly, it scared me at one time, just the beat and the voice together :/ needs work. and i really hate to be a jerk, and say all this stuff, but it really doesnt sound very good, :(” makes me want to not write music anymore. Guess I need to focus more on what other people find interesting then what I amuse myself with. |
only you can decide, if you make your music for others or for yourself. In either case, you’ll want to please your target audience. :-)