RSVP for Jul 28 Livestream

Reviews for "jumping outta my skin"

jumping outta my skin
by Linden Tree
Recommends (16)
Tue, Jan 21, 2014 @ 3:10 PM

Uses samples from:

permalink   Tue, Jan 21, 2014 @ 3:27 PM
More cowbell! got that CB in a Mexican pawn shop?
Listening to your rendering (musicianship) of KH…i say what is the name of the band?
permalink   Linden Tree Thu, Jan 23, 2014 @ 1:09 AM
Chinese flea market, still had creamer in it. Gunna have to switch it up, perhaps a dixie cup :/

Chester and the Cheetos…My Flannel Underpants…Frostbitte Demonz…Whiskey a no-no (go-go)….. 1 Valdez? Dont wanna get too ahead of meself, thx pal
permalink   latopa Thu, Jan 23, 2014 @ 3:02 PM
This reply is decoding that CIA code? LT speak french!

Chinese flea market…man you are a crazy original cat
permalink   Linden Tree Sat, Feb 1, 2014 @ 9:12 PM
desole, mon erreur, a hoh hoh hon.

‘crazy’ was having lunch there, tho way better than gweilo fong, a hoh hoh hon

Jupiter Jake & The Juniper Berries!!! Whatcha think? Too catchy?…Juniper J Berry and the Banditos? Jumpin Jack…JJ, JJFlash, meh too perverted…jube jubes, sh#t! I mean merde, d’oh….maybe I’ll just stick with my other alias “DJ Thunderbolt” (Zeuss was already taken)
permalink   Thu, Jan 23, 2014 @ 4:02 AM
Rock solid.
permalink   Linden Tree Sat, Feb 1, 2014 @ 9:15 PM
Chevy is my bread and butter. Thx bud