Reviews for "Dark-Age Hero"
Dark-Age Hero
by Javolenus
by Javolenus
Recommends (8)
Fri, Nov 16, 2012 @ 3:39 AM
acappella, media, bpm_110_115, dark_ages, myth, hero, beowulf, anglo, saxon, old_english, poem, spoken_word
Dark-Age Hero
Samples are used in:
Wired Ant |
Fri, Nov 16, 2012 @ 5:04 PM
Trying to read the original text it sounds for me like an East-Germanic and somewhat Baldic or Scandinavian idiom. Compared to the smart Roman language it seems like a step back in evolution and maybe thus an explanation why this period of time was called “The Dark Age”.
Great investigative pella with much charme of science and heritage Sound experiments are already launched and currently incubating! |
Hi and many thanks indeed for this. Yes, I think this ancient language is related to proto-Scandinavian and Germanic languages. As such, it is barely recognisable to a modern English person, although in this sample, words like “that was” and “shadow” might stand out. Old English had a formal grammar, much like Latin, and the ancient poets were very skilled and highly regarded. I like how the text is full of alliteration (different words containing the same sounds). I also like trying to bring ancient writing into the modern digital era. I’m very happy you are “on the case” and intrigued by what you will eventually come up with! Thanks again for reviewing—much appreciated!