Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Reviews for "Ya Ghali"

Ya Ghali
by DrGoldklang
Recommends (8)
Sat, May 24, 2008 @ 4:35 AM

Uses samples from:

Samples are used in:

permalink   Sat, May 24, 2008 @ 4:50 AM
Heavy-duty! I couldn’t help but picture this as the soundtrack to the scene in an action-thriller, where the various hard-bitten members of some temporarily-assembled covert strike force have gotten over their mutual distrust enough to focus on the mission, and are en route toward a destination which guarantees not all of them will make it out alive…
Yes, I have a vivid imagination, but this track certainly doesn’t hinder it!
permalink   DrGoldklang Sat, May 24, 2008 @ 5:04 AM
Yeah!!! I like your point of view! the song is an arabic tearjerker “oh my love why you left me behind, i miss you every day” and so on. But in the original track was no drama at all, more a life is good disco/house track. Thought I should make it dirty and gritty like getting left behind is haha
permalink   remaxim Sat, May 24, 2008 @ 11:40 AM
yeah, it really fits perfectly for an action scene, but I have to confess that I wouldn’t realize it if duckett didn’t say that. Actually it even sounds better if you have those action scenes in you head … great work! I m thinking about reediting an action scene right now. If I am crazy enough I ll do it…
permalink   Sat, May 24, 2008 @ 1:44 PM
After checking out the sampled material I can say that there is a great sampling and remixing work here!
A small complain: I only wish I heard some chord change or variation… :)
permalink   DrGoldklang Sat, May 24, 2008 @ 2:13 PM
Quote: s.c.mixerAfter checking out the sampled material I can say that there is a great sampling and remixing work here!
A small complain: I only wish I heard some chord change or variation… :)

Thanks for the compliment i agree on the complaint and tryed that out before but found that the vocal became stronger with tension against the “drone” and the chord changes mellowed that down…I also had arabic classic strings but it was all to cluttered for the vocal to stand out.
I love this endless dessert walk in search of an oasis and when finaly found brings even more mayhem, the drone symbol of the endlessly burning sun. This is touareg “blue man” country..
permalink   Sat, May 24, 2008 @ 7:03 PM
Some nice sounds in this but I found the mix very muddy and would have liked the different sounds to have stood out more.

Not sure about the samples used but maybe a multipressor would have helped to define it better.

Interesting mix despite all that!
permalink   DrGoldklang Sun, May 25, 2008 @ 3:57 AM
Thanks man!

i’ve tried a lot of (multi)compressing to come up with that bass being the “footsteps” of the track and a lot of synth/samples are only there to be a undefinable background ambient like there is more going on in the track than just the song. infact hidden in there is a rollercoasterpark and swimmingpool and country auction, all adding to the ambient. now that i mentioned this samples i’ll bet ye its still not easy to pick em out.

But thanks for the feedback..i’m learning, i’m learning…
Clarance Boddyker
permalink   Sun, May 25, 2008 @ 2:59 AM
I am really amped off of that bass guitar, the funk bluntness of it is undeniable.

Really dig everything I hear, this reminds me of some Natacha Atlas (I love me some Natacha, great voice) or Transglobal Underground. Really agree with everything Duckett said, this music is emotive and brings images to mind, this would be perfect for an action adventure.war drama sound backdrop.
permalink   DrGoldklang Sun, May 25, 2008 @ 4:16 AM
Quote: Clarance BoddykerI am really amped off of that bass guitar, the funk bluntness of it is undeniable.

Thank Clarance, this track started out with that guitar hook and simple drum then I made that bass and it reminded me to a slowed down take of “Qu’aran” from “my life in the bush of gosths” hence the arabic inspiration and search for female 1001-nights vocals
permalink   Wed, Aug 13, 2008 @ 11:04 AM
I have been listening to all of your tracks (as promised) and I am impressed. I am surprised that you don’t get more comments and recommends, because your stuff is up there with the best. I for one will be on the lookout for new stuff from you.
permalink   DrGoldklang Fri, Aug 15, 2008 @ 5:06 AM
Thanks for that, nice that you like my stuff…

Quote: SubliminalI am surprised that you don’t get more comments and recommends, because your stuff is up there with the best.

With my first tracks on ccM I had the same idea, lol. but then thinking about it, its not the comments and recommendations that says its a “good” track. There are a lot of good tracks without any feedback and there are a lot of “bad” tracks with a lot of feedback.
I am happy with all the feedback, makes me think about my proces and devellop the skills, its great!!
Reading feedback on others work helps aswell!!
