
Reviews for "So How Much Is Your Soul Worth? 86 BPM (FINAL)"

So How Much Is Your Soul Wort...
by coruscate
Recommends (4)
Fri, May 7, 2010 @ 8:37 AM
This upload might be Not Safe For Work
permalink   Wed, Nov 30, 2011 @ 9:37 PM
Hmmmm…I’m torn. I love the lyrics, dig the word choice, solid message. The delivery is troubling me however, partially the timbre, partially the sense of forced rhyme and meter. I always try to offer constructive criticism, but when it comes to style, I find it carries little to no weight.
Perhaps this would be good for a jazzy number? I think I could make use of this if it were delivered like spoken word, more dramatic and without much meter. If you have the time I would be much obliged : )
permalink   coruscate Thu, Dec 1, 2011 @ 1:11 PM
Actually I do fault this song on some levels on the way I sung it. I rap better now, my singing still needs some work. I can’t remember offhand whether I uploaded the mixed version in up there, I think I did. If you have a listen you can hear what I was trying to sing along with.


…YES… I do have time and would be much happy to oblige. What BPM and what kind of song would you like to put together? Do you want me to try vocals first or would you like to mix it up first?

There’s a faster version of this song (140 BPM) I just uploaded. You’re the second person to request some work on this song, actually. I’m happy ^^;;

BTW I run a comic book & music magazine now I’m building up so people I work with automatically get a glance for including their audio work on the discs. I have no readership yet, my first issue is only now being printed. But if I don’t start yacking about it no one will know it exists 8^) It’s Healthy Insanity Magazine and the headquarters for that is