

About Me
We’ll Write the only post-apocalyptic quasi-acoustic indie-folk duo you’ll ever need.

The oil is running out, the bees are disappearing, and robot technology is so advanced that it’s just a matter of time before they attack. Who will provide the soundtrack to this man-made apocalypse? Indie-folk duo We’ll Write are here to help.

Formed by Pete Hayward and Tom Slatter, We’ll Write first began making a name for themselves on the London acoustic circuit in late 2005, and released their first EP ‘Old Moon Face’ in December 2007.

The London duo aren’t exactly like other bands. They write songs about vengeful deities, dancing zombie girls, old men with moon shaped faces and sleeping all day. They play acoustic guitars, sing in harmony, and don’t always play the chords you expect.

In early 2008 they acquired a new, deadly mission. They realised the world was about to end, and that they had to get their album out before it was too late.

“ When you’re more concerned with shambling zombie hordes and near-certain robot-death than you are about getting dumped by your girlfriend, you’ll need a band whose songs you can really relate to.” Pete says. We’ll Write sing those songs, and when the glass and ash settles, We’ll Write will still be standing, to guide everyone through the doom-times.

As they can’t be sure exactly when the bombs will fall, they’re releasing their album one song at a time, as quickly as they can record it. That way you’ll already know the songs come judgement day!

The first song, Bleached Bone Fields, will be available on June 20th, along with all sorts of helpful information about the end of the world, and extra goodies for members of their mailing list.

The end of the world is nigh, and We’ll Write are ready with the soundtrack.
Member since
Sat, Jul 12, 2008
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