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Confidence investors to analysts, Kraft Foods also has good reason to go to brag to the stock exchange. The last year generated together with the then acquired Nabisco Holdings revenues of 34.7 billion and a profit of $ 5.5 billion to be proud of, anyway.

The path to the investor is often easier than generally assumed: Financial experts explain what is important when choosing the right bank and are taken as the first securities steps quickly and easily. more…

Especially since Kraft Foods comes another external circumstance to Good. Unlike even a year before technology stocks are no longer in demand. Looking for investment alternatives to investors now more defensive stocks such as Kraft Foods have discovered. This is also confirmed analyst Daniel Peris of Argus Research: “The issue comes at a time when investors turn away from technology stocks and companies turn to that will do well in a slowing US economy.”
Member since
Fri, Jan 15, 2016
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